And Now For Something Completely Different (of the “found on the web” variety)

>Yes, Yes.. it’s time again for “Found on the Web,” today featuring an eccentric and hard-bitten author, an eccentric and hard-bitten blogger, and an eccentric law.

First, over at Famous Author  Gord Sellar’s blog, an admittedly idiosyncratic list of books about Korean history/politics. As a bonus, Gord goes on to  list 5 books on North Korea, and 10 books of Korean Literature including one written in Japan, by a Japanese! (See, idiosyncratic!) He lists one book I had not heard of, Distant and Beautiful Place, so it’s off to the bookstore for me!

Second. we have Matthew Smith who is from Texas and has a degree in ESL for teaching in elementary school. He taught here in Seoul for SMOE and has a website on which he reviews a wide variety of Korean publications, or publications about Korea. He is interested in the relationship between Texas and Korea, which is entirely opaque to me. ^^

Finally, a thing I’m tempted to say is an “only in Korea” thing, but then someone will post me 5 other examples. Anyway, in Korea it is possible to libel the dead, which I just find funny somehow:

Defamation against the deceased is based on the legal philosophy that someone who has died has some of the same rights as a living person.

Other than.. well.. voting, free speech, etc…^^