More Online Translations of Korean Poetry, Prose and Fiction at Words Without Borders

KTLIT's Unofficial Mascot: Fighting!

Agent of Misfortune

Mysterious commenter AskGodot left a response to the “All Modern Korean Literature Online” Project in which he pointed out another great resource, the Words Without Borders list of 31 articles translated from Korean to English. It is mainly poetry, but there are some nice fiction:


Fiction by Lee Gi-ho

Camel’s Eye

Fiction by Hwang Sok-Yong

The Man Who Sold His Shadow

Fiction by Kim Young-ha

Garden of My Childhood

Fiction by Oh Jung-hee

Memories of Lily-Colored Photographs

Fiction by Jung Mi Kyung

Second Encounter

Fiction by Han Ung-bin

There are also several selections from other fictions… so check it out and wait for these to go up on the big database shortly…