Sometimes You Just Have to Laugh: Shin Kyung-sook at ICF Booksigning

Last Thursday I was invited to attend (and present at) the ICF 30th Anniversary Symposium.  I was among much greater folks, including Bruce Fulton, Brian Boyd (Koryo Press), Brother Anthony, Young-Jun Lee (editor of Azalea) and ICF Chairman of the Board Suk-kee Yoh, who is an amazing guy, running the show at age 92!

Here he is snapping pictures on his smart-phone:

ICF Chairman Suk-kee Yoh

After the conference proper, Shin Kyung-sook showed up and took questions:
Shin Kyung-sook at ICF 3oth Anniversary

And signed books, and I almost laughed aloud when some kid came up and dumped a stack of 9 books on the table.

LOL, that would get you kicked out of most book signings I’ve been to, but Shin was gracious and signed them all.