Podcast: On 1013 Main Street talking Yi Mun-yol’s “Our Twisted Hero”

Me on TBS eFM’s 1013 Main Street. In honor of Teacher’s Day and the upcoming anniversaries of the Gwangju Rebellion and Massacre, we discussed Yi Mun Yol’s brilliant Our Twisted Hero, which manages to pack a ton of political-allegorical punch into a slight novella obstensibly about boys in a classroom in rural Korea. https://www.ktlit.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/1205120515_charles.mp3 for…

Discussing Pak Wan-suh on TBS eFM’s 1013 Main Street

If you’re reading this early on Tuesday morning (Seoul Time) I’ll be on TBS eFM’s 1013 Main Street discussing Park Wan-suh (various spellings exist). So tune in! If you’re here because you listened to the broadcast, below are some of the links I discussed. A review of “Who Ate Up All the Shinga” A review…

Podcast: KTLIT on 1013 Mainstreet (TBS eFM) on Social Media and Kor-lit

This is basically the spoken version of the essay posted here yesterday. LOL, at KTLIT we cater to ALL learning styles (coming soon, the interpretive dance version). Discussion of the general issue and how Twitter and Facebook are and aren’t being used by institutions with interest in the success of Korean translated literature.   https://www.ktlit.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/1205120327_charles.mp3…

KTLIT on TBS eFM’s 1013 Main Street

Posting may be light for the next few weeks as we travel around the United States (although this means the Translator and Editor will have a bit of time to get their drink on!), but for now, a sound-file with Charles Montgomery of KTLIT talking a bit about humor in translated Korean literature, some other…