Psychotic, suicidal, ageing chicken abandons defenceless orphan! “The Hen Who Dreamed She Could Fly” by Hwang Sun-mi

Begin a story with a spinster, nearly psychotic, deluded, clearly suicidal chicken. Try to kill her, but let her escape a genocidal murder attempt. Then, have the chicken get involved with someone not only from another culture, but from a different species. Then, kill off that character. Have the chicken raise an orphan from another species,…

Cover of "The Wounded" by Yi Cheong-jun

Review: The Wounded by Yi Cheong-jun

Yi Cheong-jun’s (or Yi Chong-jun, as usual there is disagreementㅠㅠ) The Wounded is a powerful exploration of the damage done by war, and the ‘face’ that creates the wounded, both those who can identify the source of their wounds, and those who are scarred in ways that do not have clear, particular source. The story was…