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Authors Hwang Jung-eun (황정은), Yun I-hyeong (윤이형), Cheon Myeong-kwan (천명관) Q&A in Seoul (bilingual)

Last Saturday I was lucky enough to moderate a Seoul ABD event with three Korean authors: Hwang Jung-eun – ‘Kong’s Garden’ 황정은- “양의 미래” Yun I-hyeong – ‘Danny’ 윤이형-“대니” Cheon Myeong-kwan – ‘Homecoming’ 천명관-“퇴근” The Q&A section of that event is below, with the interview here.. Seoul ABC events are held regularly in Seoul, and you…

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Authors Hwang Jung-eun (황정은), Yun I-hyeong (윤이형), Cheon Myeong-kwan (천명관) interviewed in Seoul (bilingual)

Last Saturday I was lucky enough to moderate a Seoul ABC event with three Korean authors: Hwang Jung-eun – ‘Kong’s Garden’ 황정은- “양의 미래” Yun I-hyeong – ‘Danny’ 윤이형-“대니” Cheon Myeong-kwan – ‘Homecoming’ 천명관-“퇴근” The interview section of that event is below, with the audience Q&A to follow tomorrow.. Seoul ABC events are held regularly…

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KTLIT goes video!

For all you hipsters, hipstettes, anti-hipsters, hippies,  and even those of us old enough to worry about breaking our hips, and dying alone and unloved on our bathroom floors, it is becoming increasingly clear that video is a big part of the future of the Internet. Thus it is with some trepidation (and truly camera-unworthy…