Using Social Media (ALL of it) to promote Korean Literature: Part IV Additional Perspectives

NOTE: KTLIT received a long and well thought-out comment from Philip Gowman of London Korea Links, which suggested several other social media strategies which should be considered in the process of popularizing Korean translated literature. I have promoted that comment, here, to a post, and the sections in italics represent my responses to Philip’s thoughts.…

(Updated) Kim Young-ha (김영하) leaves the Internet?

UPDATE AT BOTTOM Following twitters from this morning (retweeting from the Korean twittersphere) I find the strange news that 김영하/Kim Young-ha has apparently withdrawn from the internet. The Seoul  Newspaper (online)  has an article which says in part: 소설가 김영하가 14일 오후 자신의 블로그에 “오래 못 올지도 몰라요. 다들 잘 지내세요.”라면서 트위터와 블로그 활동…