The History of Translated Korean Literature

Thanks to those of you who came out today on late notice, and on the first nice Saturday of Spring. The powerpoint presentation I gave is available here: .Seoul ABC – Korean Litsmall. You will note, for ease of download it has been stripped of most graphics and a few slides. Anyone interested in an…

Cover of "The Investigation"

Jung-Myung Lee’s (이정명) “The Investigation” longlisted for the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize 2015

The Investigation by Jung-Myung Lee (translated by Chi-Young Kim) has been longlisted for the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize. KTLIT really liked this book when it first came out, saying it was, “a crime-thriller, wrapped in a historical novel, with strong aspirations to literary fiction.”  It’s a really great story, and among stiff competition (The dread…

My Dinner With: Eun Hee-Kyung (은희경)

I sat down between Mangwon and Hapjeong stations at a small coffee-shop/Italian restaurant (tragically no wine), to have an interview and dinner with Korean author Eun Hee-Kyung, who has had two works translated into English, My Wife’s Boxes and Poor Man’s Wife (a title which the author revealed she is not entirely pleased). Eun is…